How I foundout I could sing
On February12,2008 me and my dad went to my friends house.We were on the rosd and my favorite song came on the radio.I was about six or seven and could not sing.One day I figuard out that I love music so my dad kept buying and buying albums that i liked.After I kept prsctising and practicing Igot the right pitch for my voise and kept singng.
What I have learned about multiplcation and division so far this year
I have learned a lot about multiplcation and division this year like multiplcation is more than and division is less than. Also I have learned how to do long multiplcation ang long division.I like long division is the best because it is way easier for me to do than long multiplcation.You know when to multiply and when to divde when you have two different things like crayons and pencils
german sheperd
The German Sheperd is a great dog.
I wander if it would hunt hogs?
I want one so bad but every time i ask my dad gets mad.
They are so beautiful.
They are not very colorful.
They are just black and brown but never down.
I want one with blue eyes and that I will never despise.
I wander how loyal they are?
Math video
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5 steps to be a good friend
New years resolution
The crazy turkey
Once apone a time in the woods there was a crazy turkey named Burt.Burt ran crazy in the woods. Sometimes he ran so crazy he ran right into trees. One day a new house was built right next to the woods the day before Thanksgiving. The next day was Thanksgiving. The family needed a turkey for Thanksgiving.The famliy went to shoot one.They saw Burt hiding in a bush.They aimed at Burt but they missed him. They tried and tried intil they got him. It was over, Burt was dead. Before they knew it, they were having Burt for Thanksgiving dinner with cramberry sause and sweet potatoes. Burt was never seen again.
Thanksgiving sounds quiet because everybody is eating. Thanksgiving smells like delicious food because there is mash-potatoes and cranberry sauce. It smells so good. Thanksgiving taste good because the barbeque turkey is good. Thanksgiving feels squishy because the sweet potatoes are soft. Thanksgiving looks beautiful because it is Autumn outside.